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JSI Tip 6521. When you try to install the debug version of, Installd.cmd errors?

When you run Installd.cmd to install the debug version of, you receive:

You must switch to the Resource Kit Directory/Folder to install the debug version of NTDETECT.COM.
Press CTRL-C to exit out of setup or you may Press any key to continue . . .

When you press CTRL+C, you receive:

The system cannot find the file specified.

If you persist and continue with Setup, you receive:

1 file(s) copied.
Debug NTDETECT installed successfully
To uninstall, type INSTALLD /NOT

There is a bug in the Installd.cmd script.

To resolve the problem:

1. Right-click Installd.cmd and press Edit.

2. Replace the line that reads:

        copy c:\


        copy ntdetect.chk c:\

3. Save the file.

4. Switch to the folder where the resource kit is installed and type Installd.cmd.

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