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JSI Tip 4746. Freeware PQFile will get/put files from/to an NTFS and FAT32 partition when booted with a DOS diskette.

PowerQuest has provided PQFile.exe:

PQFILE SM/PM v4.0 build 111 - Generic File Access Program
Copyright (c) 1999-2000 PowerQuest Corporation. All rights reserved.
Usage:  PqFile.exe \[switches\] \[drive-letter | partition-number:\]\[path\]\[filename\]

  \[drive-letter | partition-number | ?:\]\[path\]\[filename\]
    Specifies drive, directory and file to operate on.
    Example: c:\dir1\test.txt or 1:\dir1\test.txt

/COPY    drive:\srcpath\filename \[PQIO\] drive:\destpath\filename \[PQIO\]
                             Copies 'srcpath\filename' to 'destpath\filename'.
                             The paths and filenames MUST be fully qualified.
                             If PQIO is specified PowerQuest file I/O is used.
                             This should only be used by advanced users.
/FRS     drive:xxx           Displays the file name for FRS #xxx. (NTFS only)
/SHOW                        Displays all partitions on the computer
/ES                          All following switches are extra switches
                             Must be the last regular switch listed
                             Example: /ES /DBG=C:\PQ_DEBUG.TXT /NRB
/? \[h | H\]                   Displays main help
/??                          Displays extra switches help

/CBS  - Check for bad sectors
/CEC  - Check for extra cylinder
/DBG\[=\]  - Enable debug messages
/NBS  - No bad sector checking
You can place PQFile.exe on a DOS boot diskette.

Boot to DOS and type PQFILE /SHOW to get the partition numbers. To copy boot.ini from partition 1 to a diskette:


To copy boot.ini from a diskette to partition 1:


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