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JSI Tip 3904. When you synchronize files while working offline, Synchronization Manager reports success but the server is NOT updated?

If a user views the files in the Offline Files Folder on the workstation, the files no longer reflect the changes. The Synchronization Manager icon on the taskbar continues to report that changes made while offline have not been synchronized.

During synchronization, a user must have Modify permissions on a TEMP folder in the root of the drive that contains the CSC folder. The default is %SystemRoot%\CSC, which is normally C:\WinNT\CSC. The user must normally have Modify permissions to C:\TEMP. If SystemRoot% is on drive D: or the CSC folder has been moved to D: using Cachemov.exe, the user would require Modify permissions on D:\TEMP.

To resolve this issue, create the \TEMP folder in the root of the drive that holds the CSC folder and grant the user Modify or Full Control permissions on it.

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