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JSI Tip 3687. Batch script returns drive size and freespace.

Using GetSysInfo.exe, I have scripted GetDriveInfo.BAT, which returns the following environment variables:

 D e s c r i p t i o n 
 jsidrive   The drive letter that you queried. 
 jsisize   A character-based variable containing the drive size in bytes. 
 jsisizemb   An arithmetic variable containing the drive size in megabytes. 
 jsifree   A character-based variable containing the drive freespace in bytes. 
 jsifreemb   An arithmetic variable containing the drive freespace in megabytes. 

GetDriveInfo.bat has one parameter, the drive letter you are querying. If you ommit the parameter, drive C is queried. If you query an invalid drive letter, jsisize will be 0.

GetDriveInfo.BAT contains:

@echo off
if \{%1\}==\{\} set jsidrive=C&goto getdrive
set jsidrive=%1
set jsidrive=%jsidrive:"=%
set jsidrive=%jsidrive::=%
set jsidrive=%jsidrive:\=%
set jsisize=0
set jsifree=0
set /a jsisizemb=0
set /a jsifreemb=0
for /f "Skip=8 Tokens=1-3 Delims=:\" %%i in ('getsysinfo.exe') do call :parse %%i %%j %%k 
set len=
set char=
goto :EOF
if /i "%jsidrive%" NEQ "%1" GOTO :EOF
set jsisize=%2#
set jsifree=%3#
set /a len=0
set /a len=%len% + 1
for /f %%n in ('@echo %%jsisize:~%len%^,1%%') do set char=%%n
If "%char%" NEQ "#" goto parse1
set jsisize=%jsisize:#=%
set /a len=%len% - 6
for /f %%n in ('@echo %%jsisize:~0^,%len%%%') do set jsisizemb=%%n
set /a jsisizemb=%jsisizemb%
set /a len=0
set /a len=%len% + 1
for /f %%n in ('@echo %%jsifree:~%len%^,1%%') do set char=%%n
If "%char%" NEQ "#" goto parse2
set jsifree=%jsifree:#=%
set /a len=%len% - 6
for /f %%n in ('@echo %%jsifree:~0^,%len%%%') do set jsifreemb=%%n
set /a jsifreemb=%jsifreemb%

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