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JSI Tip 2326. Internet Explorer does not check for newer versions of web pages on Windows NT 4.0?

If you are running IE 4 or IE 5, and have checked the option to have IE refresh a page on Every visit to the page or Every time you start Internet Explorer, you may still not get the newest version.

To force IE to renew the page appropriately, exist IE and use Regedt32 to navigate to:


Internet Explorer 4.x

Edit the SyncMode value Name. This REG_BINARY data type has the following possible settings:

03000000 - Every visit to the page

02000000 - Every time you start Internet Explorer

00000000 - Never

Internet Explorer 5.x

Perform the same edit as in IE 4.x and edit the SyncMode5 value name, a data type REG_DWORD, and set it to:

4 - Automatically (No IE 4.x equivalent)

3 - Every visit to the page

2 - Every time you start Internet Explorer

0 - Never

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