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JSI Tip 1817. How do I export a DHCP database to a text file?

To export the contents of a DHCP database to a delineated text file, use Dhcpcmd.exe.

Logon to the DHCP server with Administrative priviledges and type the following at a CMD prompt:

dhcpcmd <IPAddress> enumclients <ScopeNetAddress> -<option> > <Path\outfile.txt>


<IPAddress> is the IP Address of the DHCP server.

<ScopeNetAddress> is the network address of the DHCP scope.

<option> is v for detailed lease information or h for lease / hardware information.

<Path\outfile.txt> is the output file, which can be imported into Excel, Access, Word, etc....


dhcpcmd enumclients -h > dhcpout.txt

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