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How can I check if servers can communicate via RPC's?

A. Exchange ships with RPINGS.EXE and RPINGC32.EXE which can be used to test RPC communication between two servers. These programs are located in the SERVER\SUPPORT\RPCPING directory of the Exchange CD. Test as follows:

  1. On one server start Command (CMD.EXE) and enter
    C:\> RPINGS
  2. On the other server run the RPINGC32.EXE utility
  3. You should then enter the name of the Exchange server to test communication with, e.g. NT4PDC
  4. Click Start

The connection will then be checked. Once complete close the RPINGC32.EXE utility by clicking Exit and on the target machine enter the sequence '@q'.

Below is an example of a successful test.

Click here to view image

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