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Download the OneDrive for Business Calculator to Help Estimate Network Bandwidth

Download the OneDrive for Business Calculator to Help Estimate Network Bandwidth

A new calculator in the form of an Excel spreadsheet has been released to beta by Microsoft. The spreadsheet is a valuable tool to help understand how much utilizing OneDrive for Business will cost in network bandwidth.

The spreadsheet contains customizable fields so you can tailor the output to your organization's specific needs. Shown in the image above, you can set peak times by time zone, provide your company's work hours, and modify data consumption information on the Input tab. On the Client Mix tab of the spreadsheet, you can adjust the number of clients per site and specific user profiles.

The data output, of course, will be approximate since data needs change constantly for most businesses and there's really no way to figure out exact data consumption variables. But, it should give you an estimate to get a partial understanding of what the OneDrive for Business service will require from your network.

You can download the beta from here: OneDrive for Business Client Network Bandwidth Calculator

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