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Surface Book and Surface Pro 4 Get Their Own Update History Pages, Surface Pro 3 Firmware Imminent

Surface Book and Surface Pro 4 Get Their Own Update History Pages, Surface Pro 3 Firmware Imminent

Earlier today, the Surface History update pages had not yet been updated to include history information for the new models that Microsoft released today, Surface Book and Surface Pro 4. But, with today’s public availability of the new devices, Microsoft has gone ahead and rectified that, by revealing official pages.

Surface Pro 4 update history

Surface Book update history

Despite both new devices receiving firmware and driver updates over the weekend, the history pages still say “no product updates are currently available October 2015.” So, despite the pages being available they are not the definitive source of updates yet. But, as has been the case, updates usually deliver long before Microsoft has a chance to update the history pages.

Additionally, even though a firmware update for the Surface Pro 3 is on the wire today, its history page still shows September as the last update available.

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