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A Treasure Trove of Mobile and Cloud Development Articles on DevProConnections

A comprehensive list of articles on Windows Phone 7, iOS, and Windows Azure development topics

The Mobile Connections conference, co-located with Cloud Connections and Virtualization Connections, is only a few weeks away. To get you ready for the event, you might find it helpful to peruse these recent articles on Mobile and Cloud Development, all available on

Technical Articles

Windows Phone 7

Developing and Testing Windows Phone 7 Applications with MVVM Light

Getting Started with Windows Phone 7 Development

Build a Windows Phone 7 Application

Building a Windows Phone 7 Application: Adding Features to the Album Viewer App

Building Your First Silverlight Game on Windows Phone 7

How to Build Mobile Websites with ASP.NET MVC 2 and Visual Studio 2010


Guide to Building iOS Applications with MonoTouch for the .NET/C# Developer

Product Review: MonoTouch Enterprise

A Survey of Cross-Platform Mobile IDEs

Cloud Development

The Future of WCF Services and Windows Azure

Hosting WCF Services on Azure 101

Consolidating Data Centers and Cutting Costs with Windows Azure

Windows Azure Developer Tips and Tricks

A Service Level Agreement: Your Best Friend in the Cloud

Expert Tips for Working with Window Azure Blob Storage and Silverlight


Windows Phone 7: Poised to Emulate Silverlight's Success

Microsoft's Key to Windows Phone 7 Success: Build a Better App Marketplace

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