POLL RESULTS: Ignite vs Build 2015POLL RESULTS: Ignite vs Build 2015
We asked you which of Microsoft's big conferences would have the largest impact on Windows 10 - here are the results.

Last week our poll question asked if you thought Microsoft's Build or Ignite conference would have the most significant impact on the success of Windows 10.
Build 2015, which was held in late April/early May in San Francisco, focused on developer technologies.
Ignite 2015, which was held the following week in Chicago, provided a deep dive into Microsoft technologies for IT Pro's. It was however, hampered by poor logistics and a massive crowd of 23,000 attendees.
Based on your votes the overwhelming answer was that Build 2015 would result in a significant impact on the success of Windows 10.
The developer story at Build was heavily focused towards encouraging developers on iOS and Android to re-use their app code and bring those projects to Windows 10 and the Universal Windows Platform.
One example that was used during the Day 1 keynote was King's Candy Crush Saga which had been ported over to Windows Phone months earlier using theses tools. They will be using the same tools to bring other games to Windows later this year.
Whether these bridges result in Windows seeing more apps from the iOS/Android side of the gap remains to be seen but Microsoft is putting a lot into the effort such as their Build 2015 Tour events. The app story will likely have a huge impact on Windows 10 across all of its upcoming platforms and that is certainly inline with the results of this poll.
The real answer to these questions will begin to be clarified even more after the release of Windows 10 this summer.
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