Interviews From The Cloud Identity Summit, Part III: Andrew Nash, Director of Identity, PayPalInterviews From The Cloud Identity Summit, Part III: Andrew Nash, Director of Identity, PayPal
In the last of my Cloud Identity Summit interviews, I talked with PayPal’s Senior Director Of Identity Services Andrew Nash about his vision for a service he believes is missing in the current world of consumer internet identity.
August 20, 2010
In the last of my Cloud Identity Summit interviews, I talked with PayPal’s Senior Director Of Identity Services Andrew Nash about his vision for a service he believes is missing in the current world of consumer internet identity. Andrew believes we have enough technology now to make cloud computing identity work. What’s missing is the people element – an identity broker that provides an easy-to-use interface between the user and the myriad of confusing ways they would otherwise have to work with service providers. It’s a positive idea for the service providers as well, because it would reduce the provider’s overhead by working with just one identity broker instead of thousands (or millions) of consumers.
It seems to me like PayPal will be testing the waters on this concept before too long. Have a listen:
Andrew Nash and the need for an identity broker
Other interviews from the Cloud Identity Summit:
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