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JSI Tip 8900. How can I limit the logon time of a specific Windows XP workstation user to n minutes per day?

I have scripted LimitLogonDefine.bat and LimitLogon.bat to limit the logon minutes of a specific user on a specific workstation.

NOTE: LimitLogon.bat uses PsShutdown.exe and PsLoggedOn.exe freeware, which must be located in a folder that is in your PATH.

NOTE: You can run these scripts on Windows 2000 if you:

LimitLogonDefine.bat performs the following functions on a specific workstation:
  • Defines the user(s) and their logon limits by creating a HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\LimitLogon\<User Logon Name> key with the following Value Names:

    Limit - contains the logon limit.
    Minutes - contains the number of minutes used today.
    Today - contains today's date.

  • Creates a LimitLogon account that is a member of the local Administrators group.
  • Creates a LimitLogon Scheduled Task that starts when anyone logs on, and runs in the LimitLogon context.

The syntax for using LimitLogonDefine.bat is:

LimitLogonDefine A|D UserName1 Limit1 \[A|D UserName2 Limit2 ...\]


A Adds a user.
D Deletes a user.
UserNamei is the <User Logon Name>
Limiti is the UserNamei logon limit in minutes.
NOTE: When deleting a user, no Limiti should be specified.

LimitLogonDefine.bat contains:

@echo off
if /i \{%1\} EQU \{A\} goto OK1
if /i \{%1\} EQU \{D\} goto OK1
@echo Syntax: LimitLogonDefine A^|D UserName1 Limit1 \[A^|D UserName2 Limit2 ...\]
goto :EOF
if /i \{%1\} EQU \{D\} goto loop
if \{%3\}

\{\} goto error set work=%3 call :minutes>nul 2>&1 if "%work%" NEQ "%minute%" goto error :loop if \{%1\}

\{\} goto finish set code=%1 set user=%2 set work=%3 if /i "%code%" EQU "A" goto add if /i "%code%" EQU "D" goto del @echo Error %code% goto error :finish call :addLL>nul 2>&1 endlocal goto :EOF :addLL set OK=N for /f "Tokens=1,2*" %%a in ('net user LimitLogon^|FIND "User"^|FIND "LimitLogon"') Do ( set OK=Y ) if "%OK%" EQU "Y" goto :EOF net user LimitLogon LimitLogon /add net localgroup Administrators LimitLogon /add schtasks /Create /S \\%ComputerName% /U %ComputerName%\LimitLogon /P LimitLogon /RU LimitLogon /RP LimitLogon /SC ONLOGON /TN LimitLogon /TR %SystemRoot%\LimitLogon.bat goto :EOF :add set user=%user:"=% set work=%3 call :minutes>nul 2>&1 if "%work%" NEQ "%minute%" goto error call :adduser>nul 2>&1 shift shift shift goto loop :del set user=%user:"=% set OK=N for /f "Tokens=1" %%l in ('reg query "HKLM\Software\LimitLogon\%user%" /V Limit^|FIND "Limit"') do ( set OK=Y ) if "%OK%" EQU "N" @echo User not found&goto error call :deluser>nul 2>&1 shift shift goto loop :deluser reg delete "HKLM\Software\LimitLogon\%user%" /F goto :EOF :adduser reg add "HKLM\Software\LimitLogon\%user%" /V Limit /T REG_SZ /D %minute% /F reg add "HKLM\Software\LimitLogon\%user%" /V Today /T REG_SZ /D %DATE% /F reg add "HKLM\Software\LimitLogon\%user%" /V Minutes /T REG_SZ /D 0 /F goto :EOF :minutes set /a minute=1000%work%%%1000

LimitLogon.bat contains:

@echo off
set /a loopsecs=121
set /a loopmins=(%loopsecs%) / 60
if %loopmins% LSS 1 set /a loopmins=1
if exist "%TEMP%\LimitLogon.log" del /q "%TEMP%\LimitLogon.log"
for /f "Tokens=3* Delims=\" %%a in ('reg query HKLM\software\LimitLogon /s') do (
 if "%%b" NEQ ""  @echo %%b>>"%TEMP%\LimitLogon.log"
ping -n %loopsecs%>nul
for /f "Tokens=1* Delims=\" %%a in ('psloggedon -l -x^|FINDSTR /I "%ComputerName% %USERDOMAIN%"^|FINDSTR /I /G:"%TEMP%\LimitLogon.log"') do (
 call :testuser "%%a" "%%b"
goto loop
set dom=%1
set dom=%dom:  =%
set dom=%dom:" =%
set dom=%dom:"=%
if /i %2 EQU "LimitLogon" goto :EOF
set user=%2
set user=%user:"=%
call :getLimit>nul 2>&1
if "%OK%" EQU "N" goto :EOF
for /f "Tokens=1,3" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\Software\LimitLogon\%user%" /V Today^|FIND "Today"') do (
 set Today=%%b
for /f "Tokens=1,3" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\Software\LimitLogon\%user%" /V Minutes^|FIND "Minutes"') do (
 set /a Minutes=1000%%b%%1000
set /a elapse=0
If /i "%DATE%" NEQ "%Today%" call :ZMin>Nul 2>&1
set /a elapse=%Minutes%
for /f "Tokens=1,2* Delims=:" %%i in ('@echo %TIME%') do (
 set /a hour=100%%i%%100
 set /a mins=100%%j%%100
 set work1=%%k
set work2=%work1:PM=%
if "%work1%" NEQ "%work2%" set /a hour=%hour% + 12
set /a now=(%hour% * 60) + %mins%
for /f "Tokens=1-3*" %%i in ('net user "%user%"^|FIND "Last"^|FIND "logon"') do (
 set logonD=%%k
 set LogonT=%%l
for /f "Tokens=1* Delims=: " %%i in ('@echo %LogonT%') do (
 set /a logHours=100%%i%%100
 set logMins=%%j
set logMins=%logMins: =%
set work=%logMins:AM=%
if "%logMins%" NEQ "%work%" set /a logMins=100%work%%%100&goto elapsed
set work=%logMins:PM=%
if "%logMins%" EQU "%work%" set /a logMins=100%work%%%100&goto elapsed
set /a logMins=100%work%%%100
set /a logHours=%logHours% + 12
set /a since=(%logHours% * 60) + %logMins% 
set /a elapse=%elapse% + %now% - %since%
call :ZMin>nul 2>&1
if %elapse% LSS %Limit% goto :monitor
call :ZMin>nul 2>&1
net send "%user%" Your logon limit has expired. You have 2 minutes to save your work and log off.
ping -n 121>nul
PsShutdown -o -f
goto loop
ping -n %loopsecs%>nul
set OK=N
for /f "Tokens=*" %%a in ('psloggedon -l -x^|FINDSTR /I /L /C:"%dom%\%user%"') do (
 set OK=Y
If "%OK%" EQU "N" goto :EOF
set /a elapse=%elapse% + %loopmins%
goto :Upd
set OK=N
for /f "Tokens=1,3" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\Software\LimitLogon\%user%" /V Limit^|FIND "Limit"') do (
 set OK=Y
 set /a Limit=1000%%b%%1000
goto :EOF
reg add "HKLM\Software\LimitLogon\%user%" /V Today /T REG_SZ /D %DATE% /F
reg add "HKLM\Software\LimitLogon\%user%" /V Minutes /T REG_SZ /D %elapse% /F
set /a Minutes=0

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