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JSI Tip 8397. How can a batch script determine the number of users with active connections to a server share?

If you open a CMD.EXE window, and type RMTShare \\ServerName\ShareName, like rmtshare \\jsi001\Users, you receive a display similar to:

Share name        \\jsi001\Users
Path              D:\Users
Maximum users     No limit
Users             7
        \Everyone  :  FULL CONTROL
The command completed successfully.
To extract the number of users in a batch file, use:
for /f "Tokens=1,2" %%t in ('RMTShare \\ServerName\ShareName^|FIND "Users"') do (
 if "%%t" EQU "Users" set /a conusers=1000000%%u%%1000000
In this example, the conusers numeric environment variable will be set to 7.

NOTE: The exact case of Users is required.

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