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JSI Tip 8064. OldCmp.exe freeware reports, disables, or deletes Acvtive Directory Computer objects, based upon parameters that you specify.

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When you type oldcmp /?, you receive:

OldCmp V01.04.00cpp Joe Richards ([email protected]) January 2004

 OldCmp \[switches\]

  Switches: (designated by - or /)

   -report        Write report of objects
   -disable       Disable objects
   -delete        Delete objects
                  Delete will only work on disabled objects.
   -stamp         When used with delete w/ expire account as well
                  The idea being you can see the date it was done then.
   -safety x      How many objects to modify. (Default 10)
                  With this set, stops updating after x mods.
                  I did this because it is very easy to hurt yourself.
   -unsafe        Update ALL of the objects identified.
   -forreal       REALLY MAKE THE MODS, this is the final safety.

   -h host        Host to use. (Default is to autofind DC)
   -s scope       Scope of search. OneLevel, Subtree. (Default Subtree)
   -b basedn      RFC 1779 DN to start search at (Default domain root)
   -f filter      RFC 2254 LDAP filter (Default is confusing :)
   -af addon      RFC 2254 LDAP filter to add to builtin filter
   -t xxx         Timeout value in seconds. (Default 300 seconds)
   -bit           Bitwise operator filter conversion enable
                    :AND:= converts to :1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=
                    :OR:= converts to :1.2.840.113556.1.4.804:=
   -ps size       Page size. (Default 100)
   -nodc          Exclude DCs from queries
   -norefer       No LDAP referrals

   -onlydisabled  Only disabled accounts (Default All)
   -age x         Min Days Old.  (Default 90 days)
   -maxage x      Max Days Old.  (Default Infinity)

   -format x      Report Format (Default HTML)
                     CSV   - Delimited Text
                     HTML  - Standard HTML
                     DHTML - Dynamic HTML (IE Only)
   -sh            Will autodisplay HTM/HTML/TXT files after run
   -file x        File to write to. (Default oldcmp-.htm
   -append        Append to file instead of overwrite
   -delim x       Delimiter for CSV. (Default ;)
                  Specify TAB for \t (tab character)
   -nolc          Do not normalize machine names to lc - RAW Case
   -nohtmlheader  Don't insert base HTML (title, body...)
   -sort x        Sort by various fields. (Default Password Age)
                     cn    = name
                     pwage = password age
                     age   = object age
                     OS    = operating system version

      Display this help

    oldcmp -report
      Generate html report of all cmpaccs > 90 days old
    oldcmp -report -format dhtml -sh
      Generate dhtml report of all cmpaccs > 90 days old
      Open the report after generating it
    oldcmp -report -format csv
      Generate csv report of all cmpaccs > 90 days old

    oldcmp -report -age 0
      Generate html report of all cmpaccs
    oldcmp -report -age 0 -format csv -delim tab
      Generate csv (tab delimited) report of all cmpaccs

    oldcmp -report -age 0 -onlydisabled
      Generate html report of all disabled cmpaccs

    oldcmp -report -age 0 -onlydisabled -sort cn
      Generate html report of all disabled cmpaccs, sort on name

    oldcmp -delete -age 0 -onlydisabled
      Generate html report of all disabled cmpaccs, sort on pwage
      Will show you what it would try to delete. Only up to 10.

    oldcmp -delete -age 0 -onlydisabled -safety 100
      Generate html report of all disabled cmpaccs, sort on pwage
      Will show you what it would try to delete. Only up to 100.

    oldcmp -delete -age 0 -onlydisabled -unsafe
      Generate html report of all disabled cmpaccs, sort on pwage
      Will show you what it would try to delete. All cmpaccs.

    oldcmp -delete -age 0 -onlydisabled -unsafe -forreal
      Generate html report of all disabled cmpaccs, sort on pwage
      Will REALLY DELETE all accounts identified.

    oldcmp -disable -unsafe -forreal
      Generate html report of all cmpaccs > 90 days, sort on pwage
      Will REALLY DISABLE all accounts identified.

    oldcmp -report -sort OS -age 0 -maxage 60
      Generate html report of all cmpaccs still valid, sort on OS

    oldcmp -report -af "(operatingsystem=Windows XP Professional)" -onlydisabled -age 0
      Generate html report of all disabled Windows XP machines

    oldcmp -report -b ou=mycmps,dc=domain,dc=com
      Generate html report of cmpaccs >90 days in specified OU

 Note: This tool is VERY POWERFUL and could be VERY DANGEROUS!
       I put a lot of safety locks in it ON PURPOSE!!!

       This thing can be used for quite a bit of different computer
       auditing if you know what you are doing.

 Thanks to many of the members of the listserv. Lots
 of good feedback came in from them when they betatested this tool
 for me. Special thanks to Ryan Durant and Bob Free for helping me
 with the DHTML option. It wouldn't have made it this soon without
 that needed assistance. Thanks everyone!

 This software is Freeware. Use it as you wish at your own risk.
 If you have improvement ideas, bugs, or just wish to say Hi, I
 receive email 24x7 and read it in a semi-regular timeframe.
 You can usually find me at [email protected]

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