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JSI Tip 6328. When you try to access an object in a shared folder, you receive an 'Access Denied'?

When you access an object in a shared folder, you receive an Access Denied, even though you have appropriate permissions on the share and file system object?

This problem is symptomatic of NOT having the Bypass Traverse Checking right on the parent folders of the share.

To enable the Bypass Traverse Checking right:

1. On the computer that hosts the share, open Windows Explorer.

2. Right-click the parent folder of the shared resource and press Properties.

3. Select the Security tab and press the Advanced button.

4. Check the Reset permissions on all Child objects and enable propagation of inheritable permissions box.

5. Select the user or group that had the Access Denied and press the View/Edit button.

6. Check the Allow box for Traverse Folder / Execute File. If Deny is checked, clear it. Press OK.

7. Press Apply and OK until all the dialog boxes are closed.

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