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JSI Tip 4950. Freeware cmpVer compares version information.

If you need to compare file version information to determine if a files version matches a known file, download

I quote:

Program:         cmpVer
Author:          Frank-Peter Schultze & Stephan Herbertz

Enhancement Req.
And Bug Reports: [email protected]

Built/Tested On: Windows NT 4.0
Requirements:    Win32

Purpose:         Compare version information of MS modules

Syntax:          cmpver sourcefile targetfile

State Changes:   returns errorlevel

                  1: ver(source) > ver(target)
                  2: ver(target) = invalid
                  3: ver(source) = ver(target)
                  4: ver(source) If you type cmpVer /?, you receive the following
 additional information:
Batch file example:
Batchfile CopyFiles.bat:
For %%F In (*.*) Do Call InstFile.bat %%F C:\WINNT\system32\%%F
Batchfile InstFile.bat:
CmpVer %1 %2
If Not ErrorLevel 3 Copy %1 %2

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