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JSI Tip 3986. ShellExecute freeware can launch applications as Hidden.

Marty Lists brings us ShellExecute, a freeware application that is similar to the built-in START command, but in addition to normal, minimized, and maximized, you can also launch applications as hidden.

The readme contains:

Shell Execute \[version 1.00\]

Launches executables or documents according to their file type association.

The syntax of this command is:

ShellExecute.exe /F:file \[/P:parameters /W:workingdir /R:runstyle /A:action\]

 /F:	Specifies the file to execute.
 /P:	Defines the command-line parameters to pass to the executable.
 /W:	Defines the working directory the executable starts with.
 /R:	Defines the window state, default is normal. (/r:Min|Max|Hidden).
 /A:	Defines the action to take, default is Open (Print, Explore, etc.)

ShellExecute.exe /f:D:\\Setup.exe /p:-S -SMS /r:hidden
ShellExecute.exe /f:C:\\Boot.ini /a:print

An argument of /? displays this syntax and returns 1.
A successful completion will return 0.

Copyright 2001 Marty List

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