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JSI Tip 3014. How do I use the Windows 2000 Service Recovery functionality?

Unlike Windows NT, Windows 2000 has built-in service Recovery functionality that you can configure.

To configure Recovery for a Service failure:

1. Start / Programs / Administrative Tools / Services.

2. Double-click the service that you wish to configure.

3. Select the Recovery tab. Your Recovery options are:

    Take No Action, the default.

    Restart the Service.

    Run a File.

    Reboot the Computer.

NOTE: The above options are available for the First failure, Second failure, and Subsequent failures.

4. Regardless of the Recovery option you choose, you can Reset fail count after n days.

5. If you select Restart the Service, you may configure Restart service after n minutes.

6. If you select Reboot the Computer, you may press Restart Computer Options and configure the number of minutes prior to restart and a network alert message.

7. If you select Run a File, you must enter a program and file to run, and may enter optional command line parameters. If you wish to run a batch file, enter:

    forcedos.exe <Drive:>\Folder\FileName.bat.

If you wish to run a Visual Basic script, enter:

    wscript.exe <Drive:>\Folder\Script.vbs.

If you wish to run a Java script, enter:

    wscript.exe <Drive:>\Folder\Script.js.

8. Press OK and close the Services snap-in.

NOTE: Recovery functionality requires very little overhead, as it monitors Event Log entries as apposed to polling service status.

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