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JSI Tip 2891. ELogList freeware can dump and clear an event log on a local or remote computer.


ELogList, from SysInternals, can dump the contents of a local or remote event log, and optionally clear the log.

To install the program, just copy the executable to your path. I quote:

Usage: ELogList \[-?\] \[-s\] \[\\computer \[-u username \[-p password\]\]\] \[-n #\] \[-c\] \[eventlog\]  
      -?            Displays the supported options and the units of measurement used for output values. 
      -s            This switch has ELogList print Event Log records one-per-line, with comma delimated fields. 
                    This format is convenient for text searches, e.g. eloglist | findstr /i text,
                    and for importing the output into a spreadsheet. 
      \\computer    Instead of showing process information for the local system, ELogList will show information
                    for the NT/Win2K system specified. Include the -u switch with a username and password to login
                    to the remote system if your security credentials do not permit you to obtain performance counter
                    information from the remote system. 
      -u username   If you want to view an Event Log on a remote system and the account you are executing in 
                    does not have administrative privileges on the remote system then you must login as an administrator
                    using this command-line option. ELogList will prompt you for the password without echoing your input
                    to the display unless you specify the -p switch. 
      -p password   If you specify a user name and omit this switch ElogList will prompt you for a password. 
      -n #          Only display the number of most recent entries specified. 
      -c            Clear the event log after displaying. 
      eventlog      By default ELogList shows the contents of the System Event Log. Specify a different Event Log
                    by typing in the first few letters of the log name, application, system, or security. 

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