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JSI Tip 7633. How do I configure Automatic Updates using the registry?

In tip 7632, I described how to configure Automatic Updates using group policy.

In a non-Active Directory environment, you can configure Automatic Updates using the registry. The key path is:


NOTE: You must manually add any missing sub-key.

The Value Names that correspond to the group policy settings are:

Value Name                    Data Type     D e s c r i p t i o n
NoAutoUpdate                  REG_DWORD     0, the default, Automatic Updates is enabled.
                                            1, Automatic Updates is disabled.

AUOptions                     REG_DWORD     2, Notify for download and notify for install.
                                            3, the default, Auto download and notify for install.
                                            4, Auto download and schedule the install.

ScheduledInstallDay           REG_DWORD     0, Every day.
                                            n, where n is a number from 1 (Sunday) through 7 (Saturday).

ScheduledInstallTime          REG_DWORD     n, where n is the time of day in 24-hour format, 0-23.

UseWUServer                   REG_DWORD     1 uses a server running SUS (Software Update Services).

RescheduleWaitTime            REG_DWORD     m, the time in minutes, 1-60, to wait, after startup,
                                            for a missed update.

NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers REG_DWORD     1 does NOT automatically restart the computer if a
                                            SUS SP1 client is logged on.

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