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Internet Explorer 5.5 Demos : Edit Designer Annotator (IE 5.5)

Description: The Edit Designer Annotator sample implements an IHTMLEditDesigner interface that enables the user to read, add, and modify comments in a document. It demonstrates important features of edit designer implementation:
How to implement IHTMLEditDesigner using Microsoft Visual C++ 6. How to script component implementation-specifically, the calls to IHTMLEditServices::AddDesigner and IHTMLEditServices::RemoveDesigner that attach and detach an edit designer to and from the MSHTML Editor.
How to add an edit designer component to a Web page and call the component's methods from script.
How to use edit glyphs to make the comments visible.
How to use the IMarkupServices, IMarkupPointer, IMarkupPointer2, IDisplayServices, ILineInfo, and IHTMLCaret interfaces to locate the onscreen position of comments, or the insertion point, and translate that position to the corresponding location in the page's markup.

More Details
If you've read through the Edit Designers Overview and first tutorial concerning edit designers-Implementing Edit Designers: The Basics-you already know quite a bit about edit designers and how to implement them. You know that they are COM components that you implement to customize the MSHTML Editor's behavior. You know that the main interface for edit designers is IHTMLEditDesigner, and that IHTMLEditDesigner consists of four methods:
These methods act as callback routines for the MSHTML Editor; that is, the Editor calls these methods at different points during the handling of events.
Now, take the knowledge you've acquired so far and put it to work building an annotation system for use with the MSHTML Editor. The Annotator is simple in principle. It gives the user access to the comments in a document, allowing the user to edit the comments or add new ones as desired. To build the Annotator, you'll use a few customization tools available for the MSHTML Editor. You'll use custom glyphs to show the location of comments in a document, and markup pointers, display pointers, and the IHTMLCaret interface to determine a comment's location on the screen so you can open a comment edit box next to it or add new comments.

Browser/Platform Compatibility
The Edit Designer Monitor sample requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later on the Microsoft Win32 platform. For developers, header and library files for Win32 and Internet Explorer 5.5 or later are needed for use in your development environment.
Note: Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Service Pack 3 or greater will also be necessary to build and run the sample successfully in your development environment.

To make best use of this sample, you need: An understanding of edit designers and their capabilities. See Edit Designers Overview and Implementing Edit Designers: The Basics. A good understanding of C++, the Component Object Model (COM), and the Active Template Library (ATL).
The source code for this sample is included in a Visual C++ 6 workspace. It uses ATL to provide COM support, standard implementations of some common interfaces, and "smart" interface pointers that handle their own reference counting. You can use this sample as a structure for building your own implementations of IHTMLEditDesigner.
Structurally, the sample consists of one class, CAnnotator, implementing two interfaces. The interfaces are:

IHTMLEditDesigner: Only one method of this interface, IHTMLEditDesigner::PreHandleEvent, is implemented for the Annotator designer.
IAnnotator: This interface supports the Annotator designer. Its primary methods allow a designer to be attached to, or detached from, a document through script. IAnnotator also has a method to control the display of glyphs showing the location of comments in a document, and another that lets the user add comments.
The sample has been kept simple in order to focus on the implementation structure of edit designers. For this reason, the sample performs minimal error checking and no exception handling. A "real-world" application generally provides more robust error checking and exception handling.
Designer Considerations
Here's a strategy for implementing the Annotator and making it work on a Web page:

The Annotator must provide a visual marker to show the locations of comments in a document. You can use a custom editing glyph for this purpose. The glyph is activated using the IOleCommandTarget::Exec method with the MSHTML Command Identifiers for controlling custom editing glyphs.
The Annotator must open a particular comment to give the user access to the element. There are a variety of ways to do this-the comments could be opened in a separate window or a separate area of the document, for instance. In this sample, the comments open in a pop-up box. The Annotator inserts a temporary, absolutely positioned, content-editable element into the document at the end of the body section and positions it next to the comment glyph.
In order to place the popup window near the comment, the Annotator must determine the on-screen coordinates of the comment. You can use a display pointer, a markup pointer, and the ILineInfo interface for this.
The Annotator must provide a way to attach itself to a Web page through script. IHTMLEditServices::AddDesigner and IHTMLEditServices::RemoveDesigner are C++ methods, and are not ordinarily accessible through script. The Annotator therefore must include some scriptable methods that will make the calls to IHTMLEditServices::AddDesigner and IHTMLEditServices::RemoveDesigner on behalf of a client using the Annotator. You can include these methods by implementing IDispatch. This is relatively easy with ATL's implementation IDispatchImpl. You can make turning the glyphs on and off accessible through script also.
For completeness, the Annotator should add a scriptable method that will allow the user to add new comments to a document. To accomplish this, you can use the IHTMLCaret interface, a display pointer, and a markup pointer.
Opening the Project
Let's begin with the steps needed to start a project in Visual C++ 6. First, open Visual C++ 6.
Choose New from the File menu.
Click the Projects tab and choose "ATL COM AppWizard." Give your project a name and choose a directory in which to put it. This tutorial will call the project "EDAnnotator" and put the project directory in the root directory, C:\EDAnnotator. Click OK. In Step 1 of the Wizard, accept all defaults (Server Type = DLL; all checkboxes unchecked).
Click Finish.
Click OK at the New Project Information box.
These steps create a bare-bones project with enough support to build a dynamic-link library (DLL). At this point, it's a good idea to build the project to make sure the project settings are all correct.
Preparing the Project Environment
This project will use interface definitions from Mshtml.idl in its project Interface Definition Language (IDL) file, EDAnnotator.idl. In order to import Mshtml.idl into EDAnnotator.idl, there are some special modifications to be made to Mshtml.idl. Instructions for these modifications are located in the MIDL and Mshtml.idl section of Implementing Edit Designers: The Basics. If you haven't already done so, make the modifications described there.

There's one other modification to make to the Annotator project. Later, you'll be adding code that uses C run-time string comparison functions. By default, ATL projects don't link to the C run-time startup code. To enable the use of the string comparison functions, you must remove the _ATL_MIN_CRT preprocessor definition from the project settings. Follow these steps:

From the Project menu, choose Settings...
In the Settings For: drop-down list, select Multiple Configurations. In the Select Project Configuration(s) to Modify dialog box, select the check boxes for all release versions, then click OK. Click the C/C++ tab in the Project Settings dialog box, and then choose the General category.
There will be a number of preprocessor definitions in the Preprocessor Definitions edit box, separated by commas. Remove the "_ATL_MIN_CRT" preprocessor definition.
Note You may have to "clean" the project before this setting change will take effect. From the Build menu, choose Clean; alternatively, you can choose Batch Build and then click the Clean button from the Batch Build dialog box.
For more information on implementing the Edit Designer Annotator sample, go to: Implementing Edit Designers: Advanced

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