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Delete an Orphaned Connector in Service Manager 2012

Delete an Orphaned Connector in Service Manager 2012

Q: I have an orphaned Exchange connector in Service Manager 2012. How can I delete it?

A: It's possible you had been using the Exchange Connector RC and just installed the RTM version without first deleting the old connector and uninstalling the old code. You would then be left with an Exchange Connector that couldn't be used or deleted. Your first instinct might be to try and delete it using the native Windows PowerShell:

PS C:\> Get-SCSMConnector -DisplayName "SAVDALEX01 Exchange Connector" | Remove-SCSMConnector -Confirm

Are you sure you want to perform this action?
Performing operation "Remove-SCSMConnector" on Target "SAVDALEX01 Exchange
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help
(default is "Y"):Y

Unfortunately, the command above doesn't actually delete the connector. We therefore have to fall back to the SMLets, which are available at Codeplex.  They were originally written for Service Manager 2010. Download and install the SMLets, then perform the following:


PS C:\> Import-Module smlets

PS C:\> Get-SCSMObject –Class (Get-SCSMClass –Name Microsoft.SystemCenter.Connector) | ?{$_.DisplayName –eq “SAVDALEX01 Exchange Connector”}

ClassName DisplayName LastModified

--------- ----------- ------------

Microsoft.SystemCenter.Connector SAVDALEX01 Exchange Connector 4/29/2013 1:16:53 PM

PS C:\> Get-SCSMObject –Class (Get-SCSMClass –Name Microsoft.SystemCenter.Connector) | ?{$_.DisplayName –eq “SAVDALEX01 Exchange Connector”} | Remove-SCSMObject -Force -Confirm


The connector should now be gone. The big difference between the SMLets Remove-SCSMObject and the 2012 built-in Remove-SCSMConnector is that the Remove-SCSMObject has a -Force option.


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