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How can I enable my web site to be accessible as instead of

A. We are all used to entering www.<domain> for a web site, such as, however www is just a normal DNS host record and if you want your site to be accessible as just <domain>, e.g. just create a blank host record.

In Windows 2000 to create a blank host record for the domain perform the following:

  1. Start the DNS MMC snap-in (Start - Programs - Administrative Tools - DNS)
  2. Expand the server - forward lookup zones - DNS domain
  3. Right click on the domain and select 'New Host'
  4. Leave the name blank and just enter the IP address (check the create associated pointer record box)
    Click here to view image
  5. Click Add Host

A new host record will be listed of the form:

(same as parent folder) Host <ip address>

To do this on NT 4.0 for the domain at address W.X.Y.Z, do the following:

  1. Stop the DNS service:
    C:\&gt; <b>net stop dns</b>
  2. Edit the file (found at %systemroot%\system32\dns\*.dns)
  3. Find a record that looks like:
    www IN A W.X.Y.Z
  4. Add the following record below:
    @ IN A W.X.Y.Z
  5. Save the file
  6. Restart DNS Service
    C:\&gt; <b>net start DNS</b>

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