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SuperSite Windows is the top online destination for business technology professionals who buy, manage and use technology to drive business and their after work lives - whether it’s Microsoft’s Windows, other Microsoft business solutions or those of its competitors. SSFW focuses on enterprise technologies that augment and integrate the Microsoft enterprise ecosystem with the emergent world of cloud-based and mobile-based business applications that are of interest to business technology decision makers. The SSFW team delivers the news, reviews, commentary and analysis, with an independent voice and refreshing candor. This vendor-neutral, open-source approach provides the premier forum for lively conversation and community for decision-makers who are driving business leadership and innovation through the strategic deployment of cutting-edge technologies. Content Director Lisa Schmeiser and Senior Contributing Editor Rich Hay lead the discussion and deliver on the editorial promise of the SuperSite Windows. You can reach Schmeiser at [email protected] and Rich Hay at [email protected].