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Alliances Expand ProClarity’s Reach

Under separate agreements, Knosys ProClarity will be embedded in Changepoint’s Professional Services Automation (PSA) products and Best Software Best! Imperativ Active Planner. ProClarity components are specifically designed for use with Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 OLAP Services. The integration of Knosys ProClarity components will help Changepoint customers visualize trends, patterns, expectations, and relationships hidden within complex information landscapes, including realtime analysis of all business aspects, according to Gerry Smith, Changepoint president and CEO. “From the sales pipeline to engagements to resource management, the embedded OLAP capabilities in Changepoint will unleash the true benefit of professional services automation.” Best Software’s launch of the Best! Imperative Analytics portfolio and the Knosys alliance are part of its five-stage planning model, designed to help financial managers gauge their organizational planning against available budgeting and planning solutions. The process helps organizations recognize when it’s time to move into the next phase of strategic planning. “Broader insight into financial and business information is key to optimizing the planning and analysis processes,” says Dan Quigg, Best Software analytics vice president.

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