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Outlook: Searching for Large Messages

I need to keep my mailbox at 50MB or less. I'd like to search my many Inbox subfolders for all messages that are larger than 2MB. How can I do this?

Outlook's Tools, Advanced Find command can take care of this chore. Make sure that Messages is selected in the Look for drop-down list. Click Browse to select the folders that you want to search; be sure that the Search Subfolders check box is selected. Switch to the More Choices tab, and under Size (kilobytes), choose greater than from the drop-down list. Specify 2000 to search for items larger than 2MB. When you're finished, the Advanced Find dialog box should look like the one that Figure 1 shows. Click Find Now to run the search.

If you perform this search often, you can save it as a file by using Advanced Find's File, Save Search command. Open the file to rerun the search whenever you want to clean out your Inbox and its subfolders.

Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 also offers a built-in Large Mail "search folder" that lists any mailbox item larger than 100KB. The Large Mail search folder can group items into the categories Enormous (> 5MB), Huge (1-5MB), Very Large (500KB-1MB), and Large (100-500KB), letting you see at a glance which items are taking up the most space in your mailbox.

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