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What DO those smileys mean :-)?

A. In newsgroups and other online media you will often see smileys which are used to portray various moods of the author. Below are the meanings of them:

:-|| Angry
:-) Basic happy
:-( Basic sad
(:-) Bald
:-)> Bearded
%+( Beaten up
R^) Broken glasses
:^) Broken nose
|:-) Bushy eyebrows
X-) Cross-eyed
:-e Disappointed
:-)' Drooling
\{:V Duck
>:-) Evil grin
:'''-( Floods of tears
8) Frog
8:) Gorilla
:-') Gas a cold
:-| Hmmmph!
:-C Jaw hitting the floor
.-) Keeping an eye out
:-# Kiss
:+) Large nose
:-D Laughing out loud
:-\} Leering
(-: Left-handed
:-9 Licking lips
:- | Monkey
(-) Needs haircut
:8) Pig
=:-) Punk
O:-) Saint
:-@ Screaming
:-O Shocked
:-V Shouting
|-) Sleeping
:-p Tongue-in-cheek
:-&t Tongue-tied
:-/ Undecided
:-\[ Vampire
:-)) Very happy
:-(( Very sad
:-(#) Wears teeth braces
;-) Winking
|-O Yawning

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