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SNA Terminology

SNA Terminology
Abbrev. Expansion Definition
APPC Advanced Program-to-Program An SNA protocol that's used to communicate between peer-to-peer systems.
APPN Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking An IBM Network architecture that allows computers to communicate as peers .
FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface A high speed type of network connection that uses optical fiber cabling.
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network A switched digital connection that can be used for high speed remote connections.
LEN Low Entry Networking A PU 2.1 APPN node that can use the routing services provided by another APPN node.
LU Logical Unit An SNA component that provides system access.
LU 0 Logical Unit protocol that is used in banking environments.
LU 1 Logical Unit that is used for multi-device SNA data stream printers.
LU 2 Logical Unit that is used for 3270 display devices.
LU 3 Logical Unit that is used for single-device 3270 data stream printers.
LU 6.2 Logical Unit that is used for peer-to-peer communications.
PU Physical Unit An SNA component that designates the type of device.
PU 2.0 An SNA device that communicates to a host system as a peripheral node.
PU 2.1 An SNA device that is an extension of the PU 2.0 node support. A PU 2.1 node
communicates as a peer system.
SAA Systems Application Architecture An IBM standard that described standard system access methods.
SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control An SNA protocol that is used for remote connections between IBM mainframe and
midrange computers.
SNA Systems Network Architecture A suite of communications protocols that is used for communications to IBM mainframe
and midrange computers.
Shared A feature of CA/400 that allows PC to use an AS/400's disk storage.
Twinaxial A cable type used for direct connections to the AS/400.
3270 A type of display device that is usually used to connect to an IBM mainframe.
5250 A type of display device that is used to connect to an IBM midrange computer.
802.2   IEEE standard data link protocol that is used for Ethernet and Token-Ring networks.
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