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Setting a secondary DNS server as primary results in errors.

A. If you have a secondary DNS server configured to duplicate all entries from another DNS server you may experience a problem if you try and set it as a primary DNS server, which results in the service not starting and an error to the effect of the data being wrong:

Event ID: 7023
The MS DNS Server service terminated with the following error:
The data is invalid.

Event ID: 130
DNS Server zone zone name has invalid or corrupted registry data.
Delete its registry data and recreate with DNSAdmin.

Event ID: 133 DNS
Server secondary zone zone name, had no master IP addresses in registry.
Secondary zones require masters.

The DNS Manager forgets to set the correct value for the DNS Type in the registry (secondary is remaining), but it is erasing the address of the primary DNS, where the data came from. To correct this perform the following:

  1. Start the registry editor (regedit.exe)
  2. Move to, locate the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Dns\Zones\< zonename >, where < zonename> is the domain (e.g.
  3. Double click on the TYPE value and change from 2 to 1.
  4. Close the registry editor

You should now be able to successfully start the DNS service

C:\> net start dns

The TYPE value can have one of two values,

0x1 specifies Primary zone
0x2 specifies secondary zone

A fix for this can be downloaded from hotfixes-postSP3/dns-fix

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