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JSI Tip 9678. How can I add userpassword2 (Users and Passwords) to the Windows XP Professional Control Panel?

I have scripted AddUserPassword2.bat to add User Accounts 2 to the Windows XP Professional Control Panel as the control userpasswords2 command.

The syntax for using AddUserPassword2.bat is:

AddUserPassword2. AddUserPassword2.bat contains:

@echo on
REG ADD HKCR\CLSID\\{98641F47-8C25-4936-BEE4-C2CE1298969D\} /Ve /T REG_SZ /F /D "User Accounts 2"
REG ADD HKCR\CLSID\\{98641F47-8C25-4936-BEE4-C2CE1298969D\} /V InfoTip /T REG_SZ /F /D "Control UserPasswords2"
REG ADD HKCR\CLSID\\{98641F47-8C25-4936-BEE4-C2CE1298969D\}\DefaultIcon /Ve /T REG_SZ /F /D "%SystemRoot%\System32\nusrmgr.cpl,1"
REG ADD HKCR\CLSID\\{98641F47-8C25-4936-BEE4-C2CE1298969D\}\Shell\Open\command /Ve  /T REG_SZ /F /D "Control Userpasswords2"
REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ControlPanel\NameSpace\\{98641F47-8C25-4936-BEE4-C2CE1298969D\} /Ve /T REG_SZ /F /D "UserPassword2 to Control Panel"

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