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JSI Tip 8927. SP.exe freeware sets your Windows desktop wallpaper and background colour.

Download and unzip SP.

The readme.txt file contains:


sp.exe sets your Windows desktop wallpaper and background colour.  It also
turns off Active Desktop, enables centered wallpaper rather than tiled, and
turns off wallpaper stretching if enabled.

Use it like:

sp.exe FFFFFF wallpaper.bmp

The "FFFFFF" is the hex value for the colour white - it's comprised of three
hex values of FF, FF and FF for Red, Green and Blue respectively.  In case you
don't know how hexadecimal works, some common colour values are listed below:

000000 black
FFFFFF white
FF0000 red
00FF00 green
0000FF blue
FFFF00 yellow
00FF00 magenta
00FFFF cyan
808080 grey

The final parameter is the path to the bitmap to be used as the wallpaper.
This has to be a bmp file - we turn off Active Desktop remember!

Copyright Tom Revell, [email protected]
Zhorn Software,

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