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JSI Tip 8631. Lockoutstatus.exe is a combination command-line and GUI tool that displays lockout information about a particular user account.

The free Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit tools contain Lockoutstatus.exe, a combination command-line and GUI tool that displays lockout information about a particular user account.

The ReadMe.htm file contains:

Lockoutstatus.exe: Account Lockout Status


Account Lockout Status (LockoutStatus) is a combination command-line and GUI tool that displays lockout information about a particular user account. LockoutStatus collects information from every contactable domain controller in the target user account's domain.

File Required

  • Lockoutstatus.exe

LockoutStatus Syntax

lockoutstatus \{/u:DomainName\UserName | /u:UserName@DomainName\} \[/?\]

Target NetBIOS or DNS domain name
Target user name

LockoutStatus GUI

File Menu

The File menu allows the target user and domain to be changed. This menu also allows the output of LockoutStatus to be saved in text format.

View Menu

The View menu allows the user to view the status of the target users password. This menu also alows the user to refresh the main window of LockoutStatus.

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