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JSI Tip 8608. How can I reset the License Logging service in Windows Server 2003?

The License Logging service is disabled by default in Windows Server 2003.

NOTE: The License Logging service is NOT scheduled to be included in future versions of Windows.

To reset the License Logging service in Windows Server 2003, I have scripted LicenseService.bat.

To use LicenseService.bat on Windows Server 2003, run it from a CMD.EXE window, without any parameters. After you run it, add the license information you want.

LicenseService.bat contains:

@echo off
SC STOP LicenseService
del /q /f %SystemRoot%\System32\Cpl.cfg
del /q /f %SystemRoot%\System32\Lls\Llsuser.lls
del /q /f %SystemRoot%\System32\Lls\Llsmap.lls
REG ADD HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LicenseInfo\FilePrint /V ConcurrentLimit /T REG_DWORD /d 0 /F
type nul >%SystemRoot%\System32\Cpl.cfg
@echo Y|CACLS %SystemRoot%\System32\Cpl.cfg /E /G "NETWORK SERVICE":F
@echo Y|CACLS %Systemroot%\System32\Lls /E /G "NETWORK SERVICE":F
SC START LicenseService

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