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JSI Tip 8386. How can I replace, delete, and insert text into a file?

Making use of the technique in tip 7723 » How can I prevent the FOR command from stripping leading spaces, and CMPCTRL.bat, CMDCTRLdo.vbs, and CMDCTRLundo.vbs, I have scripted RepTxt.bat to replace, delete, and insert text into a file.

I created RepTxt.bat so that I would not have to constantly write a new script to make mass changes to the pages on this site.

The syntax for using RepTxt.bat is:

RepTxt iFile rFile

Where iFile is the fully qualified file name of the file you wish to modify, and rFile is the fully qualified file name of the control file.

The rFile control file has commands, in order of precedence. The command syntax is \[cc\]string, where string is the search/replace/insertion text, and cc is:

\[ST\] - Search for the string.

\[RT\] - Replace the string specified in the preceding \[ST\] commands with this string.
       A null replacement string is allowed.

\[FB\] - Delete the line that contains the string, through the line that contains the string specified
       in the following \[FE\] command. If you only wish to delete one line, only use the \[FE\] command.

\[FE\] - Delete the line that contains the string and enable insertion. If a preceding \[FB\] command exists,
       delete all lines in the \[FB\] through \[FE\] range.

\[IB\] - If the preceding command is an \[FE\] or \[IC\], insert a line with the string.
       Multiple \[IB\] commands are allowed.

\[IE\] - If insertion is enabled, insert a line with the string and terminate insertion.

\[IC\] - Enable insertion after the line that contains the string.
NOTE: If you need multiple insertion sets, it is better to run RepTxt.bat multiple times, with different control files.

RepTxt.bat contains:

@echo off
if exist "%TEMP%\RepTxt_rFile.tmp" del /q /f "%TEMP%\RepTxt_rFile.tmp"
if exist "%TEMP%\RepTxt_iFile.tmp" del /q /f "%TEMP%\RepTxt_iFile.tmp"
if exist "%TEMP%\RepTxt_xFile.tmp" del /q /f "%TEMP%\RepTxt_xFile.tmp"
if \{%2\}==\{\} goto err1
if not exist %1 goto err2
if not exist %2 goto err3
set iFile=%1
set rFile=%2
set pCode=\[NO\]
set pLine=\[NO\]
set bypass=*#$\[RepTxt_BYPASS\]$#*
set insert=*#$\[RepTxt_INSERT\]$#*
call CMDCTRL %rFile% "%TEMP%\RepTxt_rFile.tmp"
for /f "Tokens=*" %%r in ('type "%TEMP%\RepTxt_rFile.tmp"') do (
 set rLine=%%r
 call :VALrLine
if "%VALOK%" EQU "N" goto finish
call CMDCTRL %iFile% "%TEMP%\RepTxt_iFile.tmp"
for /f "Tokens=1* Delims=:" %%a in ('type "%TEMP%\RepTxt_iFile.tmp"^|Findstr /l /n /v /c:"*$"') do (
 set iLine=%%b
 call :REPiLine
if "%VALOK%" EQU "N" goto finish
del /f /q %iFile%
call CMDCTRL "%TEMP%\RepTxt_xFile.tmp" %iFile% /U
del /q /f "%TEMP%\RepTxt_xFile.tmp"
if exist "%TEMP%\RepTxt_rFile.tmp" del /q /f "%TEMP%\RepTxt_rFile.tmp"
if exist "%TEMP%\RepTxt_iFile.tmp" del /q /f "%TEMP%\RepTxt_iFile.tmp"
goto :EOF
if "%iLine%" EQU "" goto REPiLO
set FND=N
for /f "Tokens=*" %%r in ('type "%TEMP%\RepTxt_rFile.tmp"') do (
 set rLine=%%r
 call :find
if "%iLine%" EQU "%bypass%" goto :EOF
if "%iLine%" EQU "" goto REPiLO
@echo %iLine%
goto :EOF
goto :EOF
if "%FND%" EQU "Y" goto findY
if "%iLine%" EQU "%bypass%" goto :EOF
if /i "%rLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[ST\]" goto RST
if /i "%rLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[RT\]" goto :EOF
if /i "%rLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[FB\]" goto RFB
if /i "%rLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[FE\]" goto RFE
if /i "%rLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[IB\]" goto :EOF
if /i "%rLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[IC\]" goto :RIC
if /i "%rLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[IE\]" goto :EOF
@echo RepTxt - Invalid RepTxt logic.
goto :EOF
if /i "%rLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[ST\]" goto :EOF
if /i "%rLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[RT\]" goto RRT
if /i "%rLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[FB\]" goto :EOF
if /i "%rLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[FE\]" goto RFE
if /i "%rLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[IB\]" goto RIB
if /i "%rLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[IC\]" goto :RIC
if /i "%rLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[IE\]" goto RIE
goto errl
if "%iLine%" EQU "%bypass%" goto :EOF
call set ans=%%iLine:%rLine:~4%=%%
if "%ans%" EQU "%iLine%" goto :EOF
set FND=Y
set pLine=%rLine%
goto :EOF
if "%iLine%" EQU "%bypass%" goto :EOF
if /i "%pLine:~0,4%" NEQ "\[ST\]" goto :EOF
call set iLine=%%iLine:%pLine:~4%=%rLine:~4%%%
set FND=N
set pLine=%rLine%
goto :EOF
if "%iLine%" EQU "%bypass%" goto :EOF
call set ans=%%iLine:%rLine:~4%=%%
if "%ans%" EQU "%iLine%" goto :EOF
set FND=Y
set iLine=%bypass%
set pLine=%rLine%
goto :EOF
if "%iLine%" EQU "%bypass%" goto :EOF
call set ans=%%iLine:%rLine:~4%=%%
if "%ans%" EQU "%iLine%" goto :RFEX
set FND=Y
set iLine=%bypass%
set pLine=%rLine%
goto :EOF
if /i "%pLine:~0,4%" NEQ "\[FB\]" goto :EOF
set iLine=%bypass%
goto :EOF
if /i "%pLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[IC\]" goto RIBX
if /i "%pLine:~0,4%" NEQ "\[FE\]" goto :EOF
if "%rLine:~4%" EQU "" goto RIX
@echo %rLine:~4%
goto :EOF
if "%iLine%" EQU "%bypass%" goto :EOF
call set ans=%%iLine:%rLine:~4%=%%
if "%ans%" EQU "%iLine%" goto :EOF
set FND=Y
set pLine=%rLine%
if "%iLine%" EQU "" goto RICX
@echo %iLine%
set iLine=%bypass%
goto :EOF
set iLine=%bypass%
goto :EOF
if /i "%pLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[IC\]" goto RIEX
if /i "%pLine:~0,4%" NEQ "\[FE\]" goto :EOF
set FND=N
set pLine=%rLine%
if "%rLine:~4%" EQU "" goto RIX
@echo %rLine:~4%
goto :EOF
goto :EOF
if /i "%rLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[ST\]" goto VST
if /i "%rLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[RT\]" goto VRT
if /i "%rLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[FB\]" goto VFB
if /i "%rLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[FE\]" goto VFE
if /i "%rLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[IB\]" goto VIB
if /i "%rLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[IC\]" goto VIC
if /i "%rLine:~0,4%" EQU "\[IE\]" goto VIE
@echo RepTxt - Invalid rFile RepTxtment coding.
goto :EOF
set pCode=%rLine:~0,4%
goto :EOF
if /i "%pCode%" EQU "\[ST\]" goto errx
if /i "%pCode%" EQU "\[IB\]" goto errx
if /i "%pCode%" EQU "\[FB\]" goto errx
if /i "%pCode%" EQU "\[IC\]" goto errx
goto VALe
if /i "%pCode%" EQU "\[ST\]" goto VALe
goto errx
if /i "%pCode%" EQU "\[ST\]" goto errx
if /i "%pCode%" EQU "\[IB\]" goto errx
goto VALe
if /i "%pCode%" EQU "\[FB\]" goto VALe
if /i "%pCode%" EQU "\[ST\]" goto errx
if /i "%pCode%" EQU "\[IB\]" goto errx
goto VALe
if /i "%pCode%" EQU "\[IB\]" goto VALe
if /i "%pCode%" EQU "\[IC\]" goto VALe
if /i "%pCode%" NEQ "\[FE\]" goto errx
goto VALe
if /i "%pCode%" EQU "\[ST\]" goto errx
if /i "%pCode%" EQU "\[IB\]" goto errx
if /i "%pCode%" EQU "\[FB\]" goto errx
goto VALe
if /i "%pCode%" EQU "\[IB\]" goto VALe
if /i "%pCode%" EQU "\[IC\]" goto VALe
if /i "%pCode%" NEQ "\[FE\]" goto errx
goto VALe
@echo Syntax: RepTxt iFile rFile
goto :EOF
@echo RepTxt - %1 NOT found.
goto :EOF
@echo RepTxt - %2 NOT found.

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