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JSI Tip 8174. How can I automate getting 'Add/Remove Windows Components' to display 'optional' components?

In 2274» How do I get Add/Remove Programs to display 'optional' components, I explained how to edit the %SystemRoot%\INF\sysoc.inf file if the operating system is already installed.

I have scripted ShowAllOptionalComponents.bat to unhide all the optional components.

The syntax for using ShowAllOptionalComponents.bat is:


ShowAllOptionalComponents.bat contains:

@echo off
copy %SystemRoot%\INF\sysoc.inf "%TEMP%\sysoc.inf"
del /q %SystemRoot%\INF\sysoc.inf
for /f "Tokens=*" %%a in ('type "%TEMP%\sysoc.inf"') DO (
 set line=%%a
 call :unhide
goto :EOF
set line=%line:,hide,=,,%
@echo %line%>>%SystemRoot%\INF\sysoc.inf

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