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JSI Tip 7890. How do I retrieve a volume's size, free space, and allocation unit, in a batch, using standard commands?

Using the /I and /C Chkdsk.exe switches, New (Windows NT 4.0) SP4 CHKDSK switches, I have scripted DrvInfo.bat to return a volume's size, free space, and allocation unit.

The syntax for using DrvInfo.bat is:

DrvInfo DriveLetter DSize FSpace Alloc


DriveLetter is the volume's drive letter, with or without the colon (:).

DSize is a call directed numeric environment variable that will contain the volume's size, in kilobytes (KB).

FSpace is a call directed numeric environment variable that will contain the volume's free space, in kilobytes (KB).

Alloc is a call directed numeric environment variable that will contain the volume's Allocation Unit size, in bytes.

NOTE: See How do I rapidly retrieve a volume's size, free space, and allocation unit, in a batch, using freeware?

DrvInfo.bat contains:

@echo off
if \{%4\}==\{\} @echo Syntax: DrvInfo DriveLetter DSize FSpace Alloc&exit /b 1
set work=%1
set drive=%work:~0,1%
if not exist %drive%: @echo DrvInfo: %1 does NOT exist&endlocal&exit /b 2
@echo KB total disk space.>%TEMP%\DrvInfo.tmp
@echo KB available on disk.>>%TEMP%\DrvInfo.tmp
@echo bytes in each allocation unit.>>%TEMP%\DrvInfo.tmp
set /a cnt=0
call :parse>nul 2>&1
del /q %TEMP%\DrvInfo.tmp
endlocal&set /a %2=%DSize%&set /a %3=%FSpace%&set /a %4=%Alloc%
exit /b 0
for /f "Tokens=1" %%a in ('chkdsk %drive%: /I /C^|Findstr /G:%TEMP%\DrvInfo.tmp') do (
 set /a cnt=!cnt! + 1
 call :setit!cnt! %%a
goto :EOF
set DSize=%1
goto :EOF
set FSpace=%1
goto :EOF
set Alloc=%1

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