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JSI Tip 5688. How do I use a .NET Server to make a copy of a CD-ROM?

If you have a CD recorder, CD-R or CD-RW, you can make a copy of a CD-ROM without using any CD-burning software.

If you have a standard CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive and a CD recorder:

1. Insert the media you wish to copy into your standard drive.

2. Insert blank media into your CD recorder.

3. Drag the contents from the source drive to the CD recorder.

If you only have have a CD recorder:

1. Insert the media you wish to copy into your CD recorder drive.

2. Copy the contents of the media to a folder on your disk drive.

3. Remove the source media and insert blank media.

4. Drag the contents of the source CD from the folder on your disk to the CD recorder drive.

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