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JSI Tip 5427. When a Windows NT 4.0 client views the event log of a remote Windows 2000 computer, they receive 'Cannot find the file specified'?

The subject error is caused by missing registry values in the Windows 2000 computer registry.

To resolve the problem:

1. Copy / Paste the following to a RemoteEVT.reg file:


"CategoryMessageFile"=hex(2):25,53,79,73,74,65,6d,52,6f,6f,74,25,5c,73,79,73,  74,65,6d,33,32,5c,65,76,65,6e,74,6c,6f,67,2e,64,6c,6c,00

"CategoryMessageFile"=hex(2):25,53,79,73,74,65,6d,52,6f,6f,74,25,5c,53,79,73,  74,65,6d,33,32,5c,4d,73,41,75,64,69,74,45,2e,64,6c,6c,00

"CategoryMessageFile"=hex(2):25,53,79,73,74,65,6d,52,6f,6f,74,25,5c,73,79,73,  74,65,6d,33,32,5c,65,76,65,6e,74,6c,6f,67,2e,64,6c,6c,00
2. Merge the RemoteEVT.reg file with the Windows 2000 registry.

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