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JSI Tip 5285. How do I use the command-line on a Windows 2000 Terminal Services server to display all the Terminal Servers on the network?

From a Windows 2000 Terminal Services server, open a CMD prompt and type query termserver /?. The following information is displayed:

Displays the available application terminal servers on the network.
QUERY TERMSERVER \[servername\] \[/DOMAIN:domain\] \[/ADDRESS\] \[/CONTINUE\]

  servername      Identifies a Terminal server.
  /DOMAIN:domain  Displays information for the specified domain (defaults to the current domain).
  /ADDRESS        Displays network and node addresses.
  /CONTINUE       Does not pause after each screen of information.


To display a list of all the terminal servers in the current domain:

query termserver

NOTE: You will have to press a key to continue if the display exceeds the length of the CMD window.

To display the network and note address of the JSI003 Terminal Server in the current domain:

query termserver JSI003 /address

To display all the Terminal Servers in the JSIINC domain:

query termserver /domain:JSIINC /continue

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