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JSI Tip 5055. Windows XP administrative shares.

Windows XP creates the following administrative shares:

Root Partitions     C$, D$, etc....
System Root %SYSTEMROOT% is shared as ADMIN$, for easy access over the network.
FAX$ Fax clients cache files and access server cover sheets.
IPC$ Used for remote administration of network services using named pipes.
NETLOGON Used by the Netlogon service to process log on requests.
PRINT$ Used for remote administration of printers.

NOTE: Share names that end in a $ are hidden.

To create your own administrative share:

1. Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Computer Management / Shared Folders.

2. Right-click Shares and press New File Share.

3. In the Folder to share box, Browse to or type the path to the shared folder.

4. Type the Share name and Share description.

5. Press Next.

6. Select the Administrators have full control; other users have no access radial button and press Finish.

7. Respond to the confirmation box.

To temporarily disable the default administrative shares:

1. Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Computer Management / Shared Folders / Shares.

2. Right-click the administrative share you wish to disable and press Stop sharing.

3. Press OK.

To permanently disable default administrative shares:

1. Perform the steps to temporarily disable default administrative shares.

2. Use tip 0096 - Removing Administrative shares.

To permanently disable an administrative share that you created:

1. Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Computer Management / Shared Folders / Shares.

2. Right-click the administrative share you wish to disable and press Stop sharing.

3. Press OK.

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