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JSI Tip 3510. RShutdown2 freeware can shutdown or restart multiple computers.

RShutDown2 freeware has both a GUI and command line mode of operation. The syntax for the command line is:

RShutdown2 \[/command type\] \[:"message"\] \[/machine machine name\] \[/file file name\] /XXXX \[/Y\]


\[/command type\]          can be any of the following:
                          /help        for this help screen.
                          /send        to send a popup message using the messenger service.
                          /reboot      to reboot a machine and optionally send a warning.
                          /shutdown    to shutdown the machine and optionally send a warning.
                          /abort       to abort a shutdown (abort takes NO MESSAGE TEXT!).
\[:"message"\]             "message text"  

\[/machine machine name\]  /machine JSI007 causes the action on JSI007.

\[/file file name\]         causes the action on each computer name in <Drive:>\Folder\file name,
                          one per line. A sample D:\Work\Computers.txt might contain:

/XXXX                     XXXX is the number of seconds to display the shutdown message,
                          before starting the shutdown.

\[/Y\]                      Does NOT prompt for a response if you perform a local shutdown.

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