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JSI Tip 2701. Upgraded DC's DNS suffix does not match the domain name?

After you run DCPromo, you may receive a NetLogon event in the System event log, indicating a failure to dynamically register DNS records.

Before promotion, the Change primary DNS suffix when domain membership changes box on the Control Panel / System / Network Identification tab was not selected.

Use DCPromo to demote the domain controller to a member server. Select the Change primary DNS suffix when domain membership changes box, and run DCPromo to promote this member server to a DC.

If you haven't run DCPromo yet, after the upgrade, use Regedt32 to navigate to:


Set the data value of the SyncDomainWithMembership value name, a REG_DWORD data type, to 1.

You can avoid this problem by using a Slipstream install to perform the upgrade. If you download the Service Pack, see tip 2661 to build the slipstream.

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