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JSI Tip 2597. Windows 2000 command line switches for Msinfo32.exe.



Microsoft System Information (Msinfo32.exe) is an updated version of Microsoft Windows NT Diagnostics (Winmsd.exe). When you start Winmsd.exe, it starts <Drive:>\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSInfo\Msinfo32.exe.

Msinfo32.exe displays information about your Hardware Resources, Components, and software Environment:

Hardware Resources shows DMA, IRQs, I/O addresses, and memory addresses. The Conflicts/Sharing node identifies devices that are sharing resources or that are in conflict.

Components displays information and status about your Windows configuration.

Software Environment is a snapshot of the software currently in memory.

NOTE: Other programs may add nodes in Msinfo32.exe.

If you start Msinfo32.exe from the command line, you can control the process. The syntax is:

The Catagorynames are:

Category Heading                 categoryname 

System Summary                   SystemSummary 
Hardware Resources               Resources 
Components                       Components 
Software Environment             SWEnv   
The following items are add-ons and may not be present:   
Category Heading                 categoryname 

Internet Explorer 5              InternetExplorer 
Applications                     Apps   
Hardware Resources Subcategories:  
Category Heading                 categoryname 

Conflict/Sharing                 ResourcesConflicts 
DMA                              ResourcesDMA 
Forced Hardware                  ResourcesForcedHardware 
I/O                              ResourcesIO 
IRQs                             ResourcesIRQS 
Memory                           ResourcesMemory    
Components  Subcategories:  
Subcategory Heading              Subcategoryame  

Multimedia                       ComponentsMultimedia 
Display                          ComponentsDisplay 
Infrared                         ComponentsInfrared 
Input                            ComponentsInput 
Modem                            ComponentsModem 
Network                          ComponentsNetwork 
Ports                            ComponentsPorts 
Storage                          ComponentsStorage 
Printing                         ComponentsPrinting 
Problem Devices                  ComponentsProblemDevices 
USB                              ComponentsUSB   
Software Environment  Subcategories:  
Subcategory Heading              Subcategoryame  
Drivers                          SWEnvDrivers 
Environment Variables            SWEnvEnvVars 
Jobs                             SWEnvJobs 
Network Connections              SWEnvNetConn 
Running Tasks                    SWEnvRunningTasks 
Loaded Modules                   SWEnvLoadedModules 
Services                         SWEnvServices 
Program Groups                   SWEnvProgramGroup 
Startup Programs                 SWEnvStartupPrograms 
OLE Registration                 SWEnvOLEReg 
The following example outputs each high-level category into a separate .nfo file, which can be read by Msinfo32.exe.:
start /wait msinfo32.exe /nfo syssum.nfo /categories +SystemSummary start /wait msinfo32.exe /nfo cmpnt.nfo /categories +components start /wait msinfo32.exe /nfo swenv.nfo /categories +swenv start /wait msinfo32.exe /nfo hwdres.nfo /categories +resources start /wait msinfo32.exe /nfo ie.nfo /categories +internetexplorer start /wait msinfo32.exe /nfo apps.nfo /categories +Apps
The following example outputs basic system summary information and conflicts into an .nfo file, which can be read by Msinfo32.exe.:
start /wait msinfo32.exe /nfo conflicts.nfo /categories +systemsummary+componentsproblemdevices+resourcesconflicts+resourcesforcedhardware
The above Conflicts.nfo file contains the following top-level categories:
System Summary Hardware Resources Components
Under Hardware Resources, the Conflict/Sharing and Forced Hardware subcategories are present. Under Components, the Problem Devices subcategory is present.

The following example outputs the Software Environment information, but does not include the Program Groups and Startup Programs subcategories:

start /wait msinfo32.exe /nfo swenv.nfo /categories +swenv-swenvprogramgroup-swenvstartupprograms
NOTE: Start /wait is required. Without it, the MSinfo32.exe will overload your CPU.


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