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JSI Tip 2445. Console User Manager.

contains Cusrmgr.exe, a command-line tool that:

"enables editing of many of the properties available through the Local Users and Groups, a Microsoft® Windows® 2000 system tool that is part of the Computer Management MMC snap-in. With CusrMgr, you can rename or delete users, set passwords, and set or reset other user properties.

For Microsoft® Windows NT® version 4.0, CusrMgr offers command-line access to User Manager's "User" and "User Profile" properties."

The Cusrmgr syntax is:

cusrmgr -u UserName \[-m \\ComputerName\] \[\{-r UserName | -d NewUserName\}\]
                                                  \[\{-p | -P Password\}\] \[-rlg OldGroupName NewGroupName\] 
                                                  \[-rgg OldGroupName NewGroupName\] \[-alg LocalGroupName\] 
                                                  \[-agg GlobalGroupName\] \[-dlg LocalGroupName\]
                                                  \[-dgg GlobalGroupName\] \[-c Comment\] \[-f FullName\]
                                                  \[-U UserProfile\] \[-n LogonScript\] \[-h HomeDir\] 
                                                  \[-H HomeDirDrive\] \[\{+s | -s\} Property\]

-u UserName specifies the user account on which to perform the operation. This switch is case-sensitive: it takes a lower-case u.

-m \\ComputerName defaults to the local computer.

-r UserName renames user specified with -u to NewUserName.

-d UserName deletes user UserName.

-p sets a random password. This switch is case-sensitive: it takes a lower-case p.

-P Password sets password to Password. This switch is case-sensitive: it takes a capital P.

-rlg OldGroupName NewGroupName renames local group OldGroupName to NewGroupName.

-rgg OldGroupName NewGroupName renames global group OldGroupName to NewGroupName.

-alg LocalGroupName adds user specified by -u UserName to local group LocalGroupName.

-agg GlobalGroupName adds user specified by -u UserName to global group GlobalGroupName.

-dlg LocalGroupName deletes user specified by -u UserName from local group LocalGroupName.

-dgg GlobalGroupName deletes user specified by -u UserName from global group GlobalGroupName.

-c Comment sets Comment property to Comment.

-f FullName sets FullName property to FullName.

-U UserProfile sets UserProfile property to UserProfile. This switch is case-sensitive: it takes a capital U.

-n LogonScript sets LogonScript property to LogonScript.

-h HomeDir sets HomeDir property to HomeDir. This switch is case-sensitive: it takes a lower-case h.

-H HomeDirDrive sets HomeDirDrive property to HomeDirDrive. This switch is case-sensitive: it takes a capital H.

+s Property sets Property property, where Property can be any of the following properties:


-s Property resets any of the properties that can be set with +s.

If the command is successful, Cusrmgr set an ERRORLEVEL of 0.


Setting a new password for a user on the local computer

cusrmgr -u UserName -P NewUserPassword

Setting "User must change Password at next login" property for a user on the local computer

cusrmgr -u UserName +s MustChangePassword

Setting a new password for a user at the domain level, where \\PdcName is the primary domain controller
of the domain to which the UserName belongs.

cusrmgr -u UserName -P NewUserPassword -m \\PdcName

Setting "User must change Password at next login" property for a user at the domain level

cusrmgr -u UserName +s MustChangePassword -m \\PdcName

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