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JSI Tip 2150. How do I alter my logon script logic based upon a clients subnet?

The following snippet works for any Windows NT or Windows 2000 client. It uses the FOR command to parse a reply from the Packet Inter Net Groper:

NOTE: This example assumes you have two subhets ( 192.168.0.(nnn) and 192.168.1.(nnn) )

set subnet=""
for /f "Tokens=1,5 Delims=. " %%i in ('ping -a -n 1 "%computername%"') do call :parse "%%i" "%%j"
if %subnet%

"" goto err
if %subnet%

"0" goto sub0
if %subnet%

"1" goto sub1
goto end
REM Network connection lost
goto end
goto end
goto end
if not %1

"Reply" goto end
set subnet=%2

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