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JSI Tip 1601. Uninstalling NWlink IPX/SPX, CSNW, and GSNW in batch.

If you have a large number of computers, you may not want to use the GUI to uninstall these protocols and applications.

To uninstall CSNW, and GSNW:

 %SystemRoot%\system32\SETUP.EXE /f /i%SystemRoot%\system32\ncpashel.inf
 /T NTN_InstallMode = DEINSTALL /T NTN_Origination = DEINSTALL
 /T NTN_Infname = %SystemRoot%\\system32\oemnsvnw.inf
 /T NTN_SRCPATH = C:\winnt\system32 /T NTN_Infoption = NWWKSTA
To uninstall the NWlink IPX/SPX protocol:
%SystemRoot%\system32\SETUP.EXE /f /i%SystemRoot%\system32\ncpashel.inf
 /T NTN_InstallMode = DEINSTALL /T NTN_Origination = DEINSTALL
 /T NTN_Infname = %SystemRoot%\system32\oemnxpip.inf
 /T NTN_SRCPATH = %SystemRoot%\system32 /T NTN_Infoption = NWLNKIPX
To update the bindings, run Runncpa.exe from the BackOffice Resource Kit.
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