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JSI Tip 1499. RAS Counters Missing in Performance Monitor?

If some or all of the RAS or RRAS counters are missing in Performance Monitor, one or more of the following conditions probably exist on your Windows NT computer:

1. The Rasctrs.dll is missing or corrupt.

2. The Close, Collect, Library, and/or Open values are missing at:


To resolve the problem, delete the Rasctrs.dll file and replace it from your latest Service pack. Then use Regedt32 to add any missing registry values at:


The registry entries should be:

Value name: Close
Data type: REG_SZ
Data: CloseRasPerformanceData 

Value name: Collect
Data type: REG_SZ
Data: CollectRasPerformanceData 

Value name: Library
Data type: REG_SZ
Data: rasctrs.dll 

Value name: Open
Data type: REG_SZ
Data: OpenRasPerformanceData
NOTE: to extract Rasctrs.dll from the RRAS installation file, type:

mpri386.exe /T:<directory path> /C

where <directory path> is the folder you want to put the files in.

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