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JSI Tip 10602. When you attempt to install WSUS with SQL Server Desktop Engine on a Windows Server 2003 domain controller, you receive 'InstallSQLAgentSecurity failed (SERVER,LocalSystem,87)'?

When you attempt to install WSUS (Windows Server Update Services) together with Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine on a Windows Server 2003 domain controller, you receive a failure message similar to InstallSQLAgentSecurity failed (SERVER,LocalSystem,87) while the SQL Server Desktop Engine is being installed.

This behavior is indicative of the SQL Server Desktop Engine being unable to communicate with the PDC (Primary Domain Controller) emulator to create the SPN (Service Principal Name) for the SQL account that connects to the database.

To fix this behavior, insure that the WSUS server can connect to the IPC$ share on the PDC emulator.

NOTE: You can temporarily transfer the PDC emulator role to this domain controller and transfer it back after the WSUS installation is complete.

NOTE: See tip 9438 » Windows Server Update Services, the follow on to Software Update Services, is released.

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