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JSI Tip 10524. Microsoft cumulative updates are not installed correctly if you change the location of the Program Files folder?

If you modify the ProgramFilesDir data value, Microsoft cumulative updates are not installed correctly.

This behavior affects the MSxx-xxx cumulative updates, like MS06-006.

To workaround this problem, I have scripted CumUpdate.bat to reset the default just before installing a cumulative update, and to set it back to your value after the update is installed.

The syntax for using CumUpdate.bat, both before and after an update, is:


CumUpdate.bat contains:

@echo off
if exist %SystemDrive%\YourProgramFilesDir.reg goto afterUpd
regedit /a "%TEMP%\YourProgramFilesDir.reg" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion
set f1=find /i "ProgramFilesDir"
set f2=find "="
for /f "Tokens=*" %%i in ('type "%TEMP%\YourProgramFilesDir.reg"^|%f1%^|%f2%') do ( 
 @echo Your %%i
del /q "%TEMP%\YourProgramFilesDir.reg"
@echo."ProgramFilesDir"="%SystemDrive%\\Program Files">>%SystemDrive%\DefaultProgramFilesDir.reg
@echo Default "ProgramFilesDir"="%SystemDrive%\\Program Files"
regedit /s %SystemDrive%\DefaultProgramFilesDir.reg
del /q %SystemDrive%\DefaultProgramFilesDir.reg
goto :EOF
type %SystemDrive%\YourProgramFilesDir.reg
regedit /s %SystemDrive%\YourProgramFilesDir.reg
del /q %SystemDrive%\YourProgramFilesDir.reg

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